
‘…I am appealing the verdict…’

What do you think about the word 'appeal'? Do you think of it as an attractiveness, which is related to the emotion? Or perhaps you would relate it to a terminology in law by which "to appeal" means to ask for higher or lower verdict from the higher court, after a decision has been delivered by the lower court? Or probably you have different understanding of the word?

Indeed, appeal can have so many meanings. However, I personally see the word "appeal" as something related to a love story.

And here is how the love story goes…

Yesterday, I had lunch with a friend from the college days near his office on Jalan Dharmawangsa, South Jakarta. It happened accidentally as my friend and I did not plan to have that lunch before.

However, it went like the usual. We asked each other our life stories. Starting from the classic ‘how are you doing’ up to the plan of having a permanent couple. Indeed, we are both still single and at the age considered to be ‘obligated’ to marry a woman.

‘So, how’s your plan? When will you marry?" My friend asked me when we were having the same meal: Soto Ayam - it's a kind of spicy chicken soup popular in Indonesia - at Warung Soto Ayam, a traditional Indonesian-style food stall.

‘…holy macaroni...marriage? c’mon bro..how could I dare to step over you, to marry while your self has not married yet..’ I replied jokingly. Indeed, he - let’s call my friend as ‘the beetle’ - is actually my senior at college. He is two years older than me.

‘hahaaha..you’re always joking with me, buddy!’ he replied.

‘..hahaha..’I replied. ‘c’mon pal, you seem more ready than me. By the way, you already have a candidate, haven’t you?’

‘That’s the problem Pir..! I am appealing the verdict!!!’

‘What do you mean by that?’ I tried to figure out.

‘Yes, I don’t wanna to be in this situation. I want to change it!’ he tried to explain.

This gentleman is currently having a closed-relationship with a woman that he actually likes. However, it is not exactly going as he plans.

My friend told me that he once went to his girlfriend’s house in Malang, East Java. He did not just meet his girlfriend, but also her girlfriend’s father. Then, everything seemed like the usual date. Nothing special happened, indeed! However, at the end of the visit, his girlfriend’s father gave him a gift. ‘Here, please bring these apples when you go back home. And also please give this to your parents. Also, please send my best regards to them..’ his girlfriend’s father told my friend while giving him a bucket full of apples.

‘I have no problem at all with that until he called me and asked whether or not I already gave the apples to my parents by the time I arrived home,’ he explained.

‘..c’mon bro…that’s pretty common I guess..he is your girlfriend’s father, right?! So what’s the big deal?’ I replied.

‘The problem is..I just met my girlfriend’s father once. Even more, it was also the first meeting for me and my girlfriend..’ He replied.

‘So, are you saying that you just knew them there and you fell awkward with their treatment?’ I tried to figure out.

“Indeed, pal!’ he answered. ‘It seemed quite ridiculous when my parents suggested me to propose her as soon as possible.’

‘Why ridiculous, dude?’ I answered. ‘That’s good, right? As you guys are already in love one to each other..’

‘That’s why I am appealing the verdict, because both of us haven’t expressed our love explicitly!’ he replied as he finished the soto ayam.

04:09 AM
*Image courtesy of http://bmc277.blogspot.com/

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